
Food Photography

I have to say, I used to think shooting food was easy but the more I delve into it the more I realize how complicated it can be.

With food, it’s all about making a dish look its most appetizing, of course, but when you get into darkly-lit restaurants, colored walls, surrounding elements, and other lighting complications it certainly turns into a challenge.  You have to be more cautious on how the food is reflecting light and how surrounding colors are affecting the dish.  I tend to find using natural lighting is best when dealing with food.

Now some might disagree with me on this mode of thought and think it’s “unprofessional” but I’ve always preferred the outcome with natural lighting unless you need a specific look, or something more graphic, then I can see the purpose of using flash, or in addition to natural light which is what I did on this last shoot for an Indian restaurant in NJ.

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Here is an example of the shoot:

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Shoot with the lovely Amanda Serafin

I’ve been noticing a theme going on in my shoots recently…  I’ve been very drawn to the color RED.  I wonder what this means exactly… I know color affects our moods quite a bit (or reflects them).  RED is a passionate color but not necessarily about love and sex.  RED can also relate to feelings of anger, rage, power, lust, and passions of the more violent type (which I’m not feeling, however good to recognize).  This is just an interesting observation… I think next time I will have to focus on a different color.  New color, new mood?  We will see.

So, this semi-steampunk, semi-Gustav Klimt, semi-geisha, and obviously RED inspired shoot was with the lovely Amanda Serafin who is a fashion student in NYC and one of the sweetest models I’ve met.  In this mix of looks I think we got some pretty great images.   Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon…

Here are a few selected favorites:
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IMG_2322 V2 re IMG_2360 V2 re IMG_2403 V2 re

and lastly, with a cute floppy hat…

IMG_2341 V2 re

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Wintertime Blues

When it’s below freezing .. I hibernate

and while hibernating I try to use this as play time for some creative editing.

Here’s a new take of an older pic.  Model Kuin
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and a poem to fit the mood..

“The heart of a woman falls back with the night, and enters some alien cage in its plight, and tries to forget it has dreamed of the stars, while it breaks, breaks, breaks on the sheltering bars.” ~ Georgia Douglas Johnson

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In NYC with Models Nicole Morley & Alex Raffio

These two had me laughing.  They had me blushing & they had me excited with ideas plus they are both completely gorgeous.

This particular image is most certainly one of my favorites from the shoot… but there’s more to come soon!
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taking portraits with Lensbaby

I had a shoot with a really great model the other day and was planning on doing some portrait shots but wanted to add some drama to the shoot instead of just ‘pretty’ portraits.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to attempt that except maybe with certain lighting so I decided to try out a Lensbaby.  It was one of the many things I attempted on this shoot and ended up being a last resort, however some of my favorite images came from this.  I must admit finding the ‘sweet spot’ for a focal point does take some patience but the results are very dreamy and ethereal and can give your photos that unique quality you were looking for.  So, if you have a Lensbaby, experiment!  Use it for portraits or fashion shots even if that’s not what you imagine it to be for.  Play around with the possibilities and your images will thank you for it.

Here are a couple sample shots:

IMG_1911 B&W re IMG_1946 re IMG_1970 re
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the journey of bringing concepts to fruition

So today I wanted to try out long exposure portraits as I’ve seen some beautiful results by other photographers.  I didn’t have a model handy so had to use myself and since I needed to do some movement on the camera for some soft blurring I had  to entrust the help of my friend and fellow photographer to do the camera shake for me.  So with his help, I began this experimentation.

I had a loose idea of what I wanted to accomplish, put some thought into the makeup design and colors to use and since I had some left-over Halloween makeup I could try something a little more abstract for the portrait.

The results were… not what I had hoped for exactly, but interesting nonetheless.  So admittedly, I did not succeed in this experimentation but that is part of the long journey of trying to become better.  Try & try again.  I’ll revisit this when I find the right model and clean up the look a bit more.

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IMG_1548 reIMG_1544 re

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it’s not always about the equipment ~ creative phone pics

Sometimes I get some pretty amazing images just with my phone camera that could rival photos taken with my Canon 5D Mark11.

I decided to share a few of my favorites here:

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welcome to my site :)

I am lucky enough to have good people around me that care and try to help in my ever-growing process, hence the wonderful new site design.  I do hope you enjoy going through the galleries and seeing the various styles I offer.  I have yet to add a photo of myself in the bio section which everyone suggests I do so I will add one here on my very first blog post… okay 2.  One is a self portrait and the other is a GIF of me goofing off in Iceland (which if you would like to view please click on “happiness in Iceland”)

Thanks for visiting.


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self portrait

self portrait

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